Community Garden Razed To Make Way For Amphitheater

In the makings of a classic “evil corporation” Christmas story, the NYC Economic Development Corp demolished a decades-old community garden to make way for a $53 million dollar amphitheater, a long time pet project of Brooklyn Borough President Marky Markowitz.

The demolition of the 70,000 sq ft garden took place at 4 AM, bringing a sour tinge of underhanded play in the eyes of affected community members. But it gets better.

Markowitz previously tried to build the amphitheater at Asser Levy Park but was shouted down by community members who filed a lawsuit to prevent the construction. It appears that Markowitz has won this time around, with the City Council approving the project last week despite the local community once again voting against it in September.

Under the current plan, the city would purchase a neighboring building to turn into a restaurant and concert area while the garden is slated to become a seating area. The razing was done rapidly, with gardening implements and resident animals (several chickens and a family of feral cats) displaced on the street.